Tuesday, October 6, 2009

when i think of you!

When I think of you,
I think only of how lucky I am to have you in my life.
So many times our paths had come so close, yet never crossed
When they finally did, I knew I belonged in your arms.

The way you smile when I make you laugh
The tender way you hold me near
The look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
All fill me with wonder

I thank heaven every day for the gift of you and your love,
and I hope and dream of our future together
I love you more than I thought possible
Yet my love keeps growing as each day passes.

I belong with you and you with me
and with the love between us
we'll be together for eternity.

p/s : i really miss you!


  1. to tinta : btol btol.ahahaha :)

    to anonymous : suka ati la aku pnyer blog.xsuka blah!
